What is day school?

Just like humans, dogs’ benefit from structured learning too! Welcome to the school for dogs! Designed with fear-free and safety in mind, you can comfortably drop your pup off for the day knowing that they will return home happy, exercised, socialized, and with new and reinforced skills.

Let us turn your dog’s woof into your wow by teaching your pup the manners, obedience and skills they need to thrive in the real world, while also adding enrichment, exposure, exercise, play and so much more into each school day!

Training philosophy

At Woof To Wow we believe learning should be fun and improve the bond between the learner and the teacher which is why we utilize science proven methods intertwined with game-based lessons. Here we do not use aversive tools such as prong collars, shock collars, or fear tactics. Rather, we apply force-free learning strategies by utilizing engaging games, toys, food/treats, and more real-life reinforcers to teach and elevate your dog’s skills in ways that leave them begging to go back to school!

  • Indoor space

    Welcome to your dog’s home away from home! Here your dog is treated with the same love and care we give to our own residential dogs. Our home is designed to be ultra dog friendly with couches available for relaxing and open spaces to play when being outdoors is less preferable. We have also converted our double wide garage into a dognasium equipped with padded floors, reinforced insulation and heating/cooling for even more indoor space to enjoy!

  • Outdoor space

    This property has 7 scenic grassed acres to frolic through! During the school day we train and play within an 18,000sqft area that is fully fenced with +6ft wood fencing. This huge area is divided into three sections/yards.

    Each yard has its own obstacles and fun areas to explore with different enriching and sensory tributes. Our primary yard is covered wall to wall with specially tested AstroTurf for your pup’s extra comfort and safety. Our middle yard is our most dimensional with multiple level landscaping for your pup to race up and down while navigating around trees and natural landscape. Our third yard is over 9,000sqft of fresh grass, trees and clover to really unleash your dog’s speed potential and fine tune their leash walking and recall skills.

What your pups learn

Each day is spent learning and refining skills such as: basic obedience, recall, loose-leash walking, barrier training, body handling for grooming and vet visits, confidence building, cozy crate training, body awareness, focus and engagement, loose-leash walking, proofing current skills, tricks, impulse control, potty training, house manners, and socialization with other dogs, people, things with wheels, neighborhood noises, power tool noises, and more! All the means to unleash your pup’s inner potential and turn them into one howl of a dog!

When your pup isn’t training in a group or individual lesson, they can be found playing in a structured group of pups learning how to communicate and play safely. Imagine them romping through the various pools or through the tire-tunnels or wooden platforms with their new best friends! Your pup may also be enjoying a cool-down time with food puzzles and regulated nap times (complete with learning cues such as “Settle”). No matter what area your pup is engaged in, they will ALWAYS be under the supervision of extensively educated dog trainers who are focused on keeping your dog happy and safe at all times.

Each month there is a different primary subject of focus that gets extra training time. That focus ranges from recall training, loose-leash walking, anti-jumping greetings, and so much more. And at the end of the month the parents are invited to a class that teaches what that month’s primary subject was and how to maintain that skill at home. All group classes are limited to five dogs per class and these classes will have multiple dates so that everyone can get a spot while maintaining the one-on-one mentoring that comes with private school perks!


For our fur-kids enrolled in the day school, we provide boarding! Here your pup gets to stay with people and dogs they have established relationships with and in the home that they feel safe and comfortable in. The only downside is that they may never want to leave! If your pup would rather stay in their kennel rather than on the double queen bed, or on one of the six couches, or on the multitude of dog beds, we can provide the same safe space that they are used to at your home. Play and learn during the day and continuous care and affection even after school ends? You will wish you could join your dog too on their staycation!

School Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for school enrollment, your pup must be six months old or YOUNGER. We specialize in raising puppies to become all around furtastic dogs and are most successful the sooner we get started!

After being accepted, your pup may stay in the continued education school program for as long as they want! Because we never run out of fun things to teach and establish relationships with the dogs and their families, most of our pups have been with us for their entire lives!

You must complete a consultation with head trainer Desiree before attending and being added to the school rollcall.

After enrolled, your pup must attend at minimum one day per week for us to maintain new behaviors and skills as well as ensure their sucess with that month’s training focus subject.




Day school

School starts at 9am and at 3:30pm you can pick up your exercised, socialized, and more educated pup.

You dog must be enrolled in at least one school day per week. Each week you can choose different days to attend and are never locked into a set schedule.


Board & Train

Drop off at 9am and pickup by 9am on the day of pick up. Day school attendance between those times are included at no extra cost. If your pup is boarding for three nights or more then their stay is eligible for late pickup at NO additional cost (meaning another free school day yay!).

*Dog must be a student in the day school to board.

Contact us today!

Our school is currently only accepting new fur-kids six months or younger to join our ever—moving waitlist. We look forward to hearing about your new pup!

Become part of the Woof To Wow family! With a village of support, you can always feel comfortable reaching out to your fellow pup-parents or trainers on our Facebook group for more training tips, photos and get-togethers!


What sets us a paw above the rest are our core values: Safety, Integrity & Honesty, and Dedication to Excellence.

  • Safety

    Because your pup’s safety is or number one priority, we have taken extra steps to successfully protect their mental, emotional and physical well-being at all times. Many of our rules below are bred from this value. Other steps include and are not limited to:

    Small dog to trainer ratio of 10:1.

    Limited group sizes for play.

    Constant supervision by professional dog trainers.

    Daily cleaning protocols both indoors and outdoors that would make a veterinarian howl in appraisal.

    Strict health and disease prevention alerts that you won’t get at any other facility.

    Proactive vs reactive training measures that stop things from happening before they do.

    Specialized behavior cues are taught to each dog with extra vigor each day. Cues such as “Give Space,” “Break,” “Time To Settle,” “Class Time,” and an emergency recall phrase to keep everyone safe no matter the distraction.

    If a pup shows any symptoms of being even slightly sick, they will be sent home immediately, no excuses.

  • Integrity & Honesty

    Woof To Wow passionately believes that integrity and honesty are the building blocks that hold up a long-lasting honorable business and are what make Woof To Wow trustworthy above the rest. If there is anything you want to know, any door you want to go through, you will be granted full knowledge and access.

    We are dedicated to creating a relationship with each puppy parent and do not treat anyone like they are customers. Here you become a part of the Woof To Wow family. Sometimes our honesty is not always to the benefit of the business; e.g. if it is discovered that a pup has gotten sick and recently attended school on the same day as your pup even while not showing symptoms, you will be notified asap and so will all of the other parents. Though these alerts always cause a dip in attendance for a short term, we believe in being safe and proactive rather than reactive just to keep attendance numbers up.

    Also, if your dog is behaving inappropriately, we will inform you honestly and we will also help you to improve the behavior at home while we continue to work on it in school. And if your dog has done amazing at school that day, you can trust that we really mean it!

  • Dedication to Excellence

    Because Woof To Wow believes in setting a higher standard for dog care facilities, our third value, dedication to excellence, sets us apart in the quality of care given to each dog and human here. We are constantly improving Woof To Wow in many forms:

    Continuing every trainer’s education to constantly keep up with modern dog sciences and deepen our knowledge pool.

    Always adding new fun obstacles and games to enrich each dog’s experience here.

    Training beyond just basic level obedience to surpass and create one wow of a dog.

    Committed to staying small scale in order to never give up quality for quantity.

    Individualized attention given to each pup and constant attention to make sure everyone is having a good time.

    We build relationships within the dog groups so that each pup develops strong relationships with one another as they grow up together. Your pup may develop a BFF here who’s name becomes your pup’s favorite word to get excited about!

    And we also are always adding new services and classes to enrich the Woof To Wow experience.